Accredited Kindergarten Program
At Ryan Road Childcare & Swim School we understand that your child’s kindergarten year is an important one and the skills, knowledge and friendships they develop throughout this time will support them through their schooling years and beyond. When your child attends a kindergarten within a long day care setting they receive uninterrupted and extended learning which facilitates maximum growth and development.
Under the guided wing of our Early Childhood Teacher, the kinder group develop their independence, self-help, social and academic skills in a structured and supportive environment. Our innovative and emergent programs allow the children to contribute to the development of the curriculum which is guided by individual and group interests. In support of the learning outcomes we seek for every child, the kinder group also participate in many intentional teaching experiences throughout the year such as water safety, road safety, school readiness, literacy and numeracy projects, cooking, pet awareness responsibility, health and hygiene, and many more.
Our formal kindergarten program operates every day between 8.30am- 4.30pm and provides for the recommended minimum of 15 hours per child (for those that attend 2 or more days). Normal long day care programs and routines operate outside the kindergarten hours.

The primary goal of our kindergarten program is to prepare for a smooth, healthy transition to a child’s school years.
- Bachelor trained Qualified Early Childhood Teacher
- 3 & 4-year-old Kinder programs
- Kinder program operates 5 days a week
- Stimulating environments that are purposeful and inspire curiosity.
- A comprehensive curriculum embedding literacy, numeracy & arts.
- A focus on social-emotional development.
- A fun, play-based learning approach that engages active young minds.
Our kindergarten programs are informed by the Victorian and Australian Early Learning Frameworks and the Reggio Emilia approach to learning.
For further information please refer to the following links: